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This page is dedicated to current legislative and regulatory issues that affect our profession. 

Legislation Updates as of 4-21-22:


  • Naturopathic Doctors (SB 274) - SB 274 would provide for a series of changes to a naturopathic doctor’s scope of practice including prescribing non-controlled substances, minor office procedures, and the ordering of diagnostic imaging studies while requiring referral to a qualified professional to conduct and interpret the results. No action was taken on SB 274. While it is exempt from legislative deadlines, we do not expect action during the remainder of the 2022 session. Note: As you might remember they wanted to perform and utilize radiation for treatments were able to have them remove this from their bill.


  • Governor Kelly signed HB 2279 lifted restrictions on APRNs to help alleviate the health provider shortage. At this point, it was focused on the prescribing of drugs. At the present time, this appears to not affect our profession.


  • The KSRT is currently working on updating some of the Radiologic Technologist current Kansas practice standards. Look for things to be happening in late summer or early fall.


  • MARCA is still being introduced. “A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for payment for services of radiologist assistants under the Medicare program, and for other purposes”. It did not make it out of the current session. ASRT will continue to push on. Remember when we send out alerts, please contact your legislators.


Toni Caldwell

ASRT Senior Delegate & Legislative Chair


To stay up to date with advocacy issues, head over to the ASRT advocacy page. 



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