Why Become a Member?
Becoming a member of the KSRT grants you access to some important things:
Network with local professionals
Support advocacy efforts
Get involved
Advance your career
Earn Continuing Education Units ​​
Discount admission to the annual convention
Free CEU's on demand
The membership categories and pricing are:
Active KSRT Member: $50
Active Military: $50
Associate KSRT Member: $50
Radiologic Assistants: $50
Seniors 65 years or older: $25
Students: $25
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Get Involved
Join a Committee!
Are you interested in helping further your profession?
The KSRT is always looking for more volunteers.
Here are the job descriptions for all positions -- including committee chairs and committee members.
​Take a look through them, and if you are interested in any of the positions, drop us an email via our contact form below.
Job Descriptions
Contribute to the Scholarship Fund
Are you interested in supporting a second-year student by donating to our scholarship fund? A scholarship can be life-changing for a student!