Are you exploring the field or currently in school and looking for resources? Are you interested in pursuing an advanced modality? Welcome! Let us connect you with sites that may be important to your search. If you know of a site that would be helpful to add to this page, contact us.
Student Rep
The KSRT appoints a student representative every year to be the voice within the board of students all over Kansas. If you are interested in this position or reaching out to our student representative, contact us!
Bella Ostmeyer
2024-24 Student Rep
Annual Deadline is February 1
The Kansas Society of Radiologic Technologists board members looked into the idea of a scholarship that not only benefits second-year students but also KSRT members. A scholarship was developed and is now being introduced to all society members.
The scholarship is being provided to help students and members enhance their education and knowledge in this wonderful field. If you are looking to finish your bachelor's, start your master's, or get registered in another modality, please take a moment to look over the scholarship application. Hopefully, the scholarship will help you achieve your dreams and goals! We will be giving away two scholarships a year.
​All the information you need to complete the application process can be found at the link below. Complete and mail in by February 1 to be considered for the scholarship. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the board members.